Agrisud International

Our vision

Fighting poverty through entrepreneurship
At Agrisud, we do not accept the idea that today almost one billion and a half of individuals are living in poverty and are often experiencing great difficulties to feed themselves daily. It is well known in the South as in the North that poverty is caused especially by economic exclusion, which gradually leads to social exclusion. We are now convinced that one way of resolving this situation is to help those people back into the economy. How? By helping them become entrepreneurs. This is why Agrisud promotes the economic revival through the creation of Very Small family Entreprises (VSE), especially in the agricultural sector: production of vegetables, fruits, breeding, product processing… Because they are economical as well as agro-ecological, those businesses are viable and sustainable. This is also due to the fact that they are integrated in their local market. The entrepreneurs have each been assisted all along the process of professionalization that took them from poverty to autonomy Thanks to this process, peasants in North Kivu or Haiti, areas often shaken by conflicts and/or natural disasters, were put back on track. Once they regained their place in the local market, they were able to invest into a sustainable agricultural activity. Also, in northern India, very poor women were able to diversify their traditional farming  by producing and processing their spices for the local market. In southern Morocco, breeders gained autonomy thanks to sheep farming. Similarly, some women in France were struggling and now produce top-of-the-range jams from Bordeaux’s food bank’s unsold articles, a good way to fight waste.
For 25 years, Agrisud has contributed in this way to create or reinforce 59 100 VSE * in twenty or so countries in Africa, Asia or South America, and in France.
* Results at the end of 2017

Our approach

Our approach is to create the necessary environment for the sustainability of agricultural family VSE by:
  • Performing, at the start, a complete diagnostic of feasibility;
  • Organizing professionalization;
  • Helping the creation/strengthening of the VSE;
  • Structuring the branches from the production to the marketing.
For this purpose we rely on:
  • Our socio-economical and technical expertise (agriculture, valorization of natural resources…), in an agroecological approach;
  • Our expertise in farming business management and the structuring of branches and territories;
  • Our savoir-faire in terms of actors’ mobilization (local actors, NGOs, authorities…)
Our valuable proposition is centered on two offers:
    • The conception and achievement of programs of agricultural VSE creation;
    • Trainings (agro ecology, project management…), advices in territory development and farming branches.
Therefore, thanks to Agrisud’s approach, at a village, a town or a territory scale, real changes can happen for the benefit of the poorest populations, while improving the families’ and local markets’ food security – in quantity and quality.

Contact us

Head Office

7, avenue du Maréchal Foch - 33500 Libourne

Tél :

+33 (0)5 57 25 17 06

Fax :

+33 (0)5 57 25 17 06

Website :
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