About AVI
AVI is an active member of the Australian Council for International Development (ACFID) and adheres to the ACFID Code of Conduct.
We believe people in developing countries know the social, economic and environmental goals they want to achieve.
For almost 70 years, AVI has brought the right people together to share skills and knowledge, building locally-driven capacity where it’s needed most – in people, organisations and systems.
We are taking expressions of Interest for a Panel Member for our Indigenous Volunteer Support and Advisory Panel on the Australian Volunteers Program!
About the Australian Volunteers Program
We are seeking expressions of interest from suitably qualified Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people, to join the recently established Indigenous Volunteer Support and Advisory Panel. This role will provide the opportunity to contribute to Indigenous participation in skilled international volunteering, as part of the Australia’s aid and development program.
The Australian Volunteers Program matches a broad range of skilled Australians with partner organisations across 26 countries, to support these organisations to achieve their own development goals. International volunteering is a powerful opportunity to share skills and learn new perspectives while connecting with another culture and we are passionate about supporting Indigenous Australians to volunteer, by providing culturally safe, flexible and tailored support.
Who we are looking for
Broadly we are seeking:
- People who understand the value of volunteering
- People with experience working on Indigenous-led or targeted projects, who can think strategically
- People with the energy and passion to motivate others and provide guidance and mentoring in a culturally appropriate way
- People who understand the barriers, challenges and responsibilities Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people may face.
Expression of interest procedure
- Please submit a current resume and cover letter, addressing how your skills and experience would be suited to the role of panel member.
- Expressions of interest and all enquiries can be emailed to indigenouspathways@australianvolunteers.com
Deadline : 11:59pm 9 May 2021
Location: Australia
For more information and job details, click HERE
Link: https://www.avi.org.au/careers/ivsadvisorypaneleoi/
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