Newborns Vietnam (NBV) is a UK registered (registration number 1144562), charity and is licensed to operate as an NGO in Vietnam.
Our mission is to ‘save newborn lives’ by reducing neonatal mortality (newborn deaths in the first 28 days of life) and promoting the health of newborn infants and their mothers. We work in partnership with national and regional referral hospitals in Vietnam to develop their capacity to improve the survival of newborn infants.
Business Director
Do you have the skills and motivation to lead Newborns Vietnam into the next phase of its development to deliver education interventions to bring about systemic change in the delivery of maternal and newborn care services within public hospitals and support the implementation of our neonatal network programme within Hanoi and roll out across the country.
We are looking for a Business Director to play a key role in the implementation of our five- year busines plan and to lead a number of vital organisational processes such as: financial and business planning, fundraising, information systems, HR and administration. The successful candidate will work in close collaboration with and support our Programme Director on overall service/training delivery, Government and hospital/international relations.
Business Director (BD)
Post Type: Employed Full-time Location: Hanoi, Vietnam
Job description (JD):
Key purposes of the Post:
The Business Director is responsible for the managing all the activities that support the charity and allow the Programme staff team and the Charity’s supporters and partners to deliver the Charity’s objectives as set out in the 5 Year Business Plan. These activities include fundraising, and governance, including financial and operational management, and statutory reporting and compliance. You must secure the functionality and financial health of the Charity to drive its sustainable growth.
Together with the Programme Director (PD), you must provide clear leadership, direction and management for the Charity, and act as a source of inspiration and motivation for all its employees and volunteers.
Position in the Organisation:
As the Business Director (BD), along with the Programme Director (PD), you are the most senior employees of the Charity, reporting directly to the Board of Directors.
As the Business Director (BD), it is your responsibility to build a strong foundation for the long term growth and development of the Charity.
Line Management:
The post holder will report on a day-to day basis to the Executive Director (ED), the board member who is the legal representative of the organisation in Vietnam.
Line Management Responsibilities:
The postholder is responsible for line management of all staff and staff team volunteers providing the support, including the following posts (if filled):
- Finance Manager (FM),
- Finance Assistant (FA),
- Fundraising and Communications Executive (FCE),
- Fundraising and Communications Assistant (FCA),
- Administration Assistant (AA),
- Non-medical volunteers and gap year placements, and other ad hoc administration and finance personnel.
Other Key Relationships: Internal:
The postholder will need to work closely with the Programme Director, the other senior staff member who reports directly to the Board and Executive Director (ED).
The postholder will also work directly with the Board of Director’s Treasurer (TR).
Key Relationships: Other External:
The postholder will need to develop and maintain successful relationships with other organisations, including; PACCOM (Vietnam Union of Friendship Organisations People’s Aid Coordinating Committee), funding organisations including international and local companies, grant-making trusts and foundations, and finance organisations including accounting and auditing companies.
Key Responsibilities include:
- Prepare and implement annual business I operational plans which reflect the agreed strategy of the Charity and develop and maintain systems to monitor the progress of those plans.
- Work with the Executive Director (ED) and Programme Director (PD) to support the Board of Trustees to ensure good governance of the charity.
- Attend and report to the Board of Trustees as required. Ensure the timely production of papers, reports and minutes as required.
- Report management information in a timely and accurate manner, reflecting the service delivery and other achievements of the Charity.
- Ensure that Board of Trustees are kept abreast of changes in legislation, policy and other drivers of the Charity's work.
- Develop all necessary systems for effective management of operations, including policy and procedure manual (English and Vietnamese).
- Any other tasks allocated that is reasonably in-line with the seniority of the post.
External Reporting
- Manage reporting to external bodies, working together where appropriate with the Executive Director, Treasurer, and other Board Members, and the Programme Director.
- Manage the organisations’ UK statutory responsibilities, including: annual returns and updating to the Companies House and the Charity Commission, the Annual Report and the annual UK audit of the organisation accounts, and the appointment of auditors.
- Manage the organisations’ Vietnamese statutory responsibilities, including bi-annual returns to, and reregistration with, PACCOM (Vietnam Union of Friendship Organisations People’s Aid Coordinating Committee).
- Manage any reporting required by grant making companies and organisations in line with the grant agreements.
Internal Reporting
- Manage reporting to the members and the board, working together where appropriate with the Executive Director (ED), Treasurer (TR), and other Board members, and the Programme Director (PD).
- Manage the reporting to the Board of Directors, including board meetings (usually at least quarterly), and the AGM, plus an any additional General Meeting and inter-meeting reporting as necessary.
- Produce the Quarterly Management Report (or more frequent reports if requested), including financial information (financial statements, cash-flow projections etc) , and programme KPI and outcome results.
- Produce additional regular financial information (e.g. monthly spend against budget figures) to the Programme Director (PD), addressing any over/underspends and ensuring programmes are carried out as planned.
Financial Planning and Management
- Manage financial planning and budgetary control, including the development and maintenance of a comprehensive budget model covering income and expenditure, balance sheet and cash forecasts.
- Manage production of the annual budget for approval.
- Carry out quarterly budget revisions and forecasts to ensure budgets closely reflect planned/approved activities.
Internal controls and policy development
- Oversee the management and coordination of all financial activity.
- Oversee purchasing and contract payments.
- Oversee payroll activity for staff and participants.
- Review internal controls and develop financial policies and procedures as required, in consultation with the Finance Manager (FM), Treasurer (TR) and Executive Director (ED).
- Ensuring that expenditure is properly approved, recorded and managed in line with agreed budgets and policies.
- Oversee the maintenance of the inventory of all fixed assets
- Ensure financial and resource accountability and effective management of records as required for auditing.
- Implement any audit recommendations in a timely manner.
- Develop tools and systems to enable effective restricted grant management.
- Ensure accurate and timely allocation and recording of expenses to the appropriate grant budgets.
- Support Programme Director (PM) with preparing donor financial reports, including justification of allocation of costs to projects in accordance with grants terms and conditions.
Develop Funding Opportunities
- Oversee the fundraising function, and manage & develop the Charity's income streams.
- Build and maintain excellent relationships with existing and potential statutory and voluntary sector funders in order to maximise income from these sources.
- Lead on and actively engage in the development, planning and delivery of a fundraising strategy to maximise income in order to secure the long-term future of the Charity and to ensure that financial targets can be met.
- Build on existing fundraising activity, developing new and imaginative fundraising activities.
- Develop database to ensure that we have accurate and useful information on funding organisations.
- Identify and stay abreast of key market trends, new opportunities for funding and key decision makers.
PR and Media
- In conjunction with the Programme Director manage editorial function of the Charity's newsletter, website and social media channels.
- Ensure compliance across all media with the Charity's brand guidelines, including online and in print, ensuring that all output is of the highest quality and reflects well on the Charity.
Health & Safety and Risk
- Oversee Health & Safety and Risk Management.
- Ensure a "safety-first" culture pervades the Charity.
- Devise and implement a Risk Management Schedule to monitor key areas of risk.
- Monitor changes in applicable law and regulations.
Human Resources
- Oversee the HR and finance functions of the Charity In conjunction with the Programme Director and the Board of Trustees.
- Take responsibility for ensuring excellent practice in all aspects of HR including:
- recruitment, training, development and appraisal systems,
- carrying out an annual appraisal for each employee,
- developing and recording HR Policies.
- Ensure that staff resources are used as effectively and efficiently as possible, aiming for maximum levels of programme provision.
- Maintain and build on the strong shared sense of identity, culture and team work that already exists within the Charity.
Person Specification (PS)
Essential Experience
- Degree educated (in a relevant discipline - business / financial / legal).
- At least 5 years’ experience in financial and grants management of complex projects.
- Direct involvement in the development of strategy, business plans and organisational polices.
- Sound financial awareness, including experience of managing and controlling budgets/resources/funding/audit and an understanding of financial management procedures.
- Significant general management experience, ideally in NGO in health or social care organisation.
- Experience of staff management, including personal development and objective setting.
- Experience of marketing and promoting an organisation to increase awareness and support.
- Experience in working with, and implementing, quality systems to ensure high quality services are delivered.
- Direct experience of voluntary fundraising environment, encompassing community fundraising,
Essential Skills and Knowledge
- Total fluency in spoken and written Vietnamese (many key relationships are with Vietnamese only speakers).
- Fluency in spoken and written English (many key relationships are with English only speakers).
- Must have an understanding of accountancy procedures, ideally both UK and Vietnamese standards, both for commercial business and non-profits.
- Must have a reasonable understanding of legal principle, ideally encompassing UK and Vietnamese non-profit organisation law and regulation.
- Excellent verbal and written communication skills – must be able to write professional quality letters and reports.
- Computer literacy including:
- good competency with all the MS Office suite of applications, and in particular,
- excellent skills in Excel,
- capability with Access or other non-MS database programmes,
- ability to use the common social media applications.
- Sound financial awareness, including experience of managing and controlling budgets/resources/funding/audit and an understanding of financial management procedures.
- Must be able to analyse financial statements and accounts, and other date, precis and present the key information internally to inform other senior staff and Directors, and make recommendations for decisions.
- Ability to devise, monitor, manage and report on, targets and KPIs on income and activity levels.
- Excellent interpersonal skills and ability to build and maintain strong relationships with multiple stakeholders including members and external partners.
- The ability to network and communicate with a wide range of personnel including healthcare professionals, commissioners, charity representatives and fundraisers.
- Strong capability and experience with knowledge sharing and organisational capacity building.
- Ability to work in a changing and flexible organisation and willing to learn new skills.
- Strong leadership, project management and organisational skills; able to manage multiple concurrent activities and projects.
- Committed and highly self-motivated with ability to enthuse, inspire and motivate others.
- Highly professional approach to all tasks.
- Ability to work under pressure, coping with managing competing priorities, situations requiring critical decision-making, and ensuring deadlines are met.
- Highly detailed oriented and strong skills in administration, organisation and planning.
- Flexibility, patience and a can-do approach to tasks and the ability to adapt to a changing and challenging environment.
- High integrity, unquestionable character and openness coupled with commitment to good governance.
- Committed and highly self-motivated with ability to enthuse, inspire and motivate others .
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