- Develop and implement a communication strategy for the Consolidation of technical rosters initiative 15th October and implementation ongoing;
- Leverage social media and online platforms to build talent communities and networks and promote the SURGE Academy; ongoing
- Develop and enhance the presence of UNDP’s deployment mechanism online; ongoing
- Identify and facilitate the addition of new candidates for the GPN/ExpRes roster; ongoing
- Develop a communication and outreach strategy and a workplan identifying timelines, activities and deliverables for the consolidation of technical rosters initiative and the COVID-19 Capacity Mapping component;
- Design a coherent branding package (visual identity) consisting of illustrations and graphic design layouts for the GPN/ExpRes roster (such as but not limited to logo, banners, flyers, newsletters, infographics, infomercials, etc.). The end product must be of high quality and in publishable form.
- Design and launch a campaign for the new platform;
- Design 2 pagers for internal and external audience, on the consolidation of rosters and the capacity mapping;
- Design quarterly Newsletters to showcase the work of the GPN/ExpRes consultants and SURGE advisors
- Facilitate the development of an annual deployments report highlighting the interventions of the team to support country offices and the larger GPN. Facilitate the development of the relevant infographics.
- Enhance the presence of the GPN ExpRes mechanism online through social media and other relevant platforms
- Enhance the Twitter presence of the GPN ExpRes Mechanism to incorporate both internal and external talent of the organization
- Assist in the development of networks for both crisis and non-crisis experts across the GPN, using online portals and social media outlets.
- Establish operational linkages between the GPN talent management (GPN/ExpRes ONE Roster) portal and social media networks
- Organize events such as online interviews, webinars, chats, trainings etc. to share the GPN/ExpRes stories, engage with the community and identify new expertise and to gain valuable knowledge of other external deployment mechanism;
- Manage all communications related to the SURGE Academy
- Develop and coordinate the communications and outreach sections of the SURGE Academy
- Develop a work plan and a social media/online strategy to elevate the online presence of the deployment mechanism; identifying timelines, activities, and Deliverables
- Establish the GPN ExpRes deployment mechanism as a brand both internally within the organization and externally among development and humanitarian networks.
- Manage and update the deployments component of the internet page
- Develop highly visual and impactful social media materials to elevate the reach on the existing social media platforms such as LinkedIn, Twitter, MS Teams, UNDP intranet, UNDP corporate website and others; in order to create better visibility for the Crisis Bureau deployment mechanism
- Update the CB deployments section on www.undp.org; use UNDP’s website to attract new talent for the consultant’s roster and facilitate the review and addition of new experts
- Manage the SURGE portal on the UNDP intranet and keep SURGE Advisors updated on development and opportunities
- Update the Deployment Capacity intranet pages to offer the Country Offices a user-friendly experience in accessing the deployment capacities;
- Leverage the existing pools in other UN Agencies, regional organizations, networks, and thinks tanks, and facilitate the identification of experts from these organizations for the roster
- Support the implementation of the enhancement plan for Crisis Bureau rosters including expansion, trainings, vetting processes and quality control
- Liaise with GPN colleagues to facilitate addition of new staff members and new consultants in collaboration with Country Offices and Regional Hubs to the SURGE and GPN/ExpRes rosters
- Leverage social media platform and online recruitment sites for calls for applications and recruitment campaigns;
- Identify and contract a social media and talent search company to enhance the composition of CB rosters
- Put in place initiatives to have greater language diversity on UNDP rosters, focusing on experts speaking French, Arabic, and Spanish
- Proactively seek regional expertise to ensure that the rosters have geographical diversity
- Ensure that both the composition and usage of UNDP rosters approaches gender parity
- Communities and networks of talent built and facilitated through social media and other relevant platforms
- Communication and Outreach Strategy designed and initiated; communication products delivered within set deadlines;
- SURGE Academy brand developed and promoted
- The Deployments’ online and social media presence developed to attract new expertise to the roster
- UNDP’s rosters composition enhanced with systematic campaigns within and outside the organization
- Social media and talent search company identified and contracted
- Rosters to be made more gender, geographic, and language compatible
- Demonstrates integrity by modelling the UN’s values and ethical standards;
- Promotes the vision, mission, and strategic goals of UNDP;
- Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability;
- Treats all people fairly without favoritism;
- Diplomacy and tact.
- At least bachelor’s degree in communications, journalism, media, public policy, business or another relevant field, required.
- Master’s degree in communications, journalism or other relevant field an advantage.
- At least 5 years of professional experience working on different aspects of communications such as outreach, media relations, content production, and social media management. (required)
- Experience in digital communications; required
- Expertise in leveraging social media to enhance and build brands (required)
- Understanding of crisis response, the humanitarian system and development (desirable)
- Demonstrated experience in using the MS Office 365 Suite and the Adobe Creative and Design products or any other similar applications; (required)
- Demonstrated experience in developing, producing, and editing videos, infographics, informercials, interviews, and other similar communications products; (desired)
- Demonstrated experience in social media management platforms; (desired)
- Networking and partnership development skills; (desirable)
- Fluency in oral and written communications and presentations skills in English, required
Tags: UNDP
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