I. Background
The project: Drifting Sands: Mitigating the impacts of climate change in the Mekong Delta through public and private sector engagement in the sand industry.
Between 2019 and 2023, the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), with financial support from the German Government via IKI BMU, is working with national and provincial stakeholders to mitigate the Mekong Delta’s vulnerability to SLR through improved sediment management.Under the project, the WWF will:
- establish a Delta-wide sand-and-gravel budget in consultation with stakeholders to create a shared understanding of the scope and impact of unsustainable extraction rates;
- promote public awareness of the impact of unsustainable sediment exploitation in the Mekong Delta;
- promote participation and dialogue between key actors in the Vietnamese construction sector;
- provide information on the risks associated with sand mining and opportunities of sustainable alternative sourcing for sand and gravel;
- Suggest directions for improved policies and practices in relation to sustainable sand and gravel mining.
The project is implemented by WWF-Viet Nam and WWF’s regional hub for the Greater Mekong region, in collaboration with WWF Germany.
II. Objectives
The general objective of the campaign is to improve the target groups’ awareness of ongoing sand-mining practices and their willingness to take action towards making responsible and sustainable sand extraction and sediment supplies that underpin the Mekong Delta’s long-term resilience and sustainable development, and ultimately contribute to Viet Nam’s growth.The specific objective is to:
- Raise awareness of the risks deriving from uncontrolled and unsustainable sand mining;
- Raise awareness of benefits deriving from sustainable sand mining and the adoption of alternative sources to aggregates.
Building on and complementing the media analysis developed by the project, the consultant’s objective is to provide a clear awareness campaign strategy with key methodology, tools, messages, and stakeholder engagement procedures, targets, and indicators. The Consultant will also be responsible for supporting the implementation of the campaign in cooperation with Communication Managers of WWF-Viet Nam and Regional Office.
- The Campaign targets stakeholders at two levels: a) the national level through a digital campaign; b) the regional level of the Mekong Delta area.
- The Target Audience for the Campaign is divided into three groups: a. Government Policy Makers; b. Private and public sector actors in the construction sector; c. The wider public audience, specifically in the Mekong Delta.
- Campaign duration is subject to budgetary and strategic considerations which will be decided with WWF-Viet Nam. Ideally, the campaign will be launched between February and May 2021 and possibly also by the end of the project conclusion (Dates to be discussed and defined).
III. Knowledge/Expertise Requirements
National and international consultant specializing in communication, advocacy, media, and awareness campaigns with an understanding of sand mining in the Mekong Delta or with experience on nature conservation communication projects in Viet Nam or the greater Mekong Region are invited to submit a proposal for this contract.The selected consultant will need to meet the following requirements:
- Have at least five years of experience in successful campaign development and management, strategic communication, and media engagement experience, preferably on sensitive issues such as sand mining.
- Proven expertise in building campaigns based on scientific findings and communicating these in an understandable and motivational manner.
- Familiarity with the Vietnamese media landscape.
- Experience undertaking similar projects and assignments.
- Previous expertise with CSOs or UN system;
- Proficiency and proven capacity to produce high-quality output in the Vietnamese language. The following would be considered an advantage:
- Proficiency in both Vietnamese and English languages
- An established media network and media contacts with key Vietnamese media
- Prior experience of communication on issues of environment, climate change, or sustainable natural resource management.
IV. How to apply
Detailed description could be found at:
Interested consultants should submit their Proposal (Technical Proposal and Financial proposal inclusive of applicable taxes and breakdown by days and daily rates) clearly stating their motivation, proposed methodology and fit for this assignment. Please note that local travel will be reimbursed based on specific conditions of the contract. The Proposal should be supported by CVs, websites showcasing communication capacity, a portfolio of campaigns run, and references, and submitted by email to chau.nguyendiep@wwf.org.vn, clearly indicating email subject of the tender reference “Tender Ref 04/21 Communications Consultancy Service - Sand Mining Public Awareness Campaign Development”.
Please kindly note that each email submission may not exceed 25MB in size.
Deadline for submission is 4 PM, 28th September 2020, Hanoi time.
“WWF is an equal opportunity employer and committed to having a diverse workforce.”
Tags: WWF
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