TERMS OF REFERENCE Consultancy for final evaluation Project: “Empowering the media’s role for effective anti-corruption in Vietnam”
I. Introduction
Towards Transparency (TT) is a Vietnamese non-profit consultancy company founded in 2008 to contribute to the prevention of and fight against corruption. In March 2009, TT became the official National Contact of Transparency International- a global anti-corruption movement, comprised of more than 100 National Chapters and an International Secretariat (TI-S) based in Berlin, Germany. TT promotes concrete solutions to improve transparency, accountability and integrity, with a particular focus on strengthening the voice and participation of wider society in anti-corruption (AC) efforts. TT undertakes its work in partnership and cooperation with diverse stakeholders including government agencies, civil society organizations, the business community and media to achieve long-term sustainable and collective impact.
Since February 2019, TT has been implementing a two-year Project “Empowering the media’s role for effective anti-corruption in Vietnam”, funded by the German Federal Foreign Office. The overall objective of the project is to strengthen the environment for, and the ability of the media, to fight corruption in Vietnam.
II. Objective and scope of evaluation
2.1. Objective
The evaluation is aimed to:
- Provide an objective assessment of the results of the project and the extent to which it is contributing to the desired impact;
- Generate lessons leant, and provide clear and forward looking recommendations for TT and the donor in designing future interventions targeting the media.
2.2. Scope
The evaluation will assess the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact and sustainability of the project outcomes.
It is expected to answer the following questions.
- To what extent are the overall objective and intended outcomes of the project important for the target groups (Government and the media)?
- To what extent is the project relevant and suitable to addressing the challenge of corruption in Vietnam?
- Are the activities of the project consistent with the objective and intended outcomes?
- To what extent has the project achieved its expected outcomes?
- In the Vietnamese context, how effective and appropriate was the project approach?
- What are the key factors influencing the achievement and non-achievement of the project’s outcomes?
- Have the planned activities and outputs been delivered on time and within allocated budget?
- Has the project management and administration well functioned to help deliver the project objective/outcomes?
- Does the project represent “good value for money” in relation to the results achieved?
- What are the key results of the project?
- What difference have the project’s activities made to the law, policy and/or beneficiaries?
- To what extent will the achievements of the project be sustainable?
- What are the key constraints to sustainability? How could we address them in future projects?
III. Key tasks
The following activities should be included in the evaluation process:
- Review and analysis of relevant project documents, including progress reports
- Preparation of a work plan for the evaluation
- Briefings/meetings with TT, partners and relevant stakeholders
- Draft evaluation report for consultation with TT
- Finalize the evaluation report.
IV. Deliverable and Timeline
The expected output of the evaluation will be a report of maximum 10 pages (excluding annexes) written in clear English that will include the evaluation methodology, main findings, conclusions and recommendations. The final evaluation report should be submitted to TT by December 15th, 2020.
V. Selection criteria
The Consultant is expected to meet the following requirements for selection:
- Having at least 5 years of relevant experience in monitoring and evaluation of development programmes and/or projects;
- Being familiar with or having knowledge of governance and/or anti- corruption issues;
- Having excellent organizational, communication and English writing skills;
- Having an understanding of media landscape in Vietnam will be an advantage.
VI. Contract
A contract based on EU/UN costs norms for engagement of selected consultant will be applied for this assignment. The evaluation is expected to last for about 10 working days, including desk review, fieldwork (meetings/interviews) and report writing.
VII. Application submission
Interested parties are kindly requested to send their application (in English) to the following email address consultancy@towardstransparency.vn by 5:00 PM, November 8, 2020 (Hanoi time) at the latest with “Final Evaluation – Media Project’’ in the subject line.
The application should contain:
- An expression of interest, highlighting the applicant’s skills and experience relevant to the specifications in the TORs;
- The applicant’s curriculum vitae;
- Detailed technical and budget proposals.
Only short? listed candidates will be notified.
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