TERMS OF REFERENCE (TOR) End-of-term evaluation of the project “Promoting women’s participation in the business process” (Thai Nguyen Provincial Women's Union – N-VNM-2019-0153 Project)
1.1. Project overview
N-VNM-2019-0153 project is sponsored by Bread for the World Organization and implemented by Thai Nguyen Provincial Women's Union. The project is implemented in 18 hamlets of Yen Ninh and Yen Do communes, Phu Luong district, Thai Nguyen province.
The total budget of the Project is 284,000 Euro, equivalent to 7,100,000,000 VND, of which, Bread for the World Foundation sponsors 250,000 Euro, equivalent to 6,250,000,000 VND. Thai Nguyen Women's Union and people in the region implement the reciprocal project: 34,000 Euro, equivalent to 850,000,000 VND.
The project was implemented by the Project Management Board, chaired by Thai Nguyen Women's Union, for three years, from July 1, 2019 to June 30, 2022. Project partners include People's Committees at all levels, relevant technical support and state management agencies such as agriculture, agricultural extension, industry and trade...
1.2. Direct target group
- 1,000 poor households headed by women in 18 project villages
- 18 cooperatives (cooperatives)/cooperative groups (THTs) with at least 60% female participation
- 100 officials from relevant state agencies such as agriculture and rural development, agricultural extension, plant protection, women's unions from the province to the hamlet level.
1.3. Indirect target group
- 20,000 households in neighboring villages and communes benefited from replicating models, accessing markets and other project activities, especially media events.
1.4. Overall goal
- Living conditions of women, especially poor and ethnic minority, are improved
1.5. Objectives
- Objective 1: Incomes of poor ethnic women are increased.
- Objective 2: Sustainable community supporting structures in the areas are enhanced.
- Objective 3: Women have been recognized as essential and capable members of the communities.
1.6. Indicators for objectives
1.6.1. For Objective 1
- Indicator 1.1: By the end of the project, the average income of poor women actually achieved due to the project’s agricultural intervention increased by at least 30%.
- Indicator 1.2: By the end of the project, at least 70% of households improve the quality of their production land by using compost as result of their waste management system.
1.6.2. For Objective 2
- Indicator 2.1: After the first year, the volunteer network is involved in further capacity building for the participating households.
1.6.3. For Objective 3
- Indicator 3.1. By the end of the project, at least one specific policy to improve livelihoods of ethnic minority women will be issued by the provincial government.
- Indicator 3.2. By the end of the Project, the percentage of women in managerial positions in cooperative groups is increased at least by 20%.
1.6.4. Activities
1.6.5. Activities to achieve Objective 1
- Support to conduct surveys, assess the capacity and needs of beneficiaries: Training and guidance to conduct participatory rural needs assessment and surveys on high value product production and marketing opportunities.
- Support the establishment and operation of THT/cooperative: Establishing 18 groups of cooperatives/cooperatives and supporting these organizations to produce and trade a variety of fruits, vegetables, tea, and medicinal herbs to supply pharmaceutical businesses, inputs for agricultural production. industries such as plants, good quality seed, fertilizers, pesticides, and animal feed, ensuring that women are involved in capacity building at least 60%. Capacity building for cooperatives/THTs through a range of activities including: (1) development of training materials; (2) training on (i) relevant legal policy; (ii) business development and management; (iii) organic farming and biosecurity livestock; (iv) preliminary processing and post-harvest preservation, processing and making labels and packaging for products; (v) apply monitoring, quality control and production logging practices to ensure compliance with quality standards for production and consumption of organic/biosafety products; and (vi) participatory quality assurance system (PGS).
- Support to build demonstration models: Establish 10 demonstration models for up to 300 poor households on organic farming, supporting the use of quality indigenous inputs or seeds (no genetically modified (GMO) seeds); The poor will receive input support and PGS certification for products, support to make environmentally friendly packaging, stamps and labels on a cost-sharing basis to ensure that the standards are met. product quality and information to consumers.
- Support to set up and operate agricultural product processing points: Establish and support equipment for 3 product processing facilities to support producers to participate more in the value chain in order to achieve better selling prices.
- Support market access and business linkages to promote product sales to beneficiaries : (i) setting up booths to display, introduce and retail products; (ii) organize or participate in fairs to introduce products, connect business with manufacturers, retailers and end consumers; (iii) organize 2 study tours to organic production sites or apply PGS for 30 representatives of cooperatives/cooperatives, local authorities and the Project Management Board. Study tours also provide opportunities to promote cooperative/THT products and access larger markets in industrial zones.
- Assist in the establishment and operation of an appropriate waste management system: (1) supporting the establishment and operation of 18 clubs working on sustainable agriculture, clean environment, women's and children's rights; (2) organize 6 training courses on clean environment: (i) make a seasonal wall calendar to support the production of a clean environment; (ii) support for waste segregation; (iii) proper disposal of non-recyclable waste and (iv) technical support for composting from food waste, crop and livestock waste for 180 club members and government officials.
- Support pilot household waste treatment: Support establish and pilot operation of organic and inorganic waste treatment including composting, garbage cans, etc. under the cost-sharing mechanism with 90 poor households.
1.6.6. Activities to achieve Objective 2
- Support the establishment and capacity building of the volunteer network: Establish a volunteer network of representatives of cooperatives/cooperative groups, agricultural extension and plant protection agencies, and build capacity in production support at Thai Nguyen Women's Vocational Training Center for the network. This network allows them to perform the role of trainers with activities including: (1) development of training materials for trainers (ToT) for 25 trainers; (2) training on: (i) participatory and learner-centered training, support and supervision methods; (ii) technical expertise in sustainable production and livestock production so that they can effectively support cooperatives and cooperative groups, to ensure that the community will adhere to PGS standards in production and product consumption, and people's products are controlled regularly.
- Assist in setting up and implementing demonstration models on organic production/biosecurity and waste management. Establish a pilot production model to transfer organic/biosafety production technology with 10 households on a cost-sharing basis with activities including (i): planning, selecting and supporting pilot development of organic/biosafety production of some crops and livestock; (ii) assistance in waste collection, segregation and treatment and establishment of waste pits, technical assistance for all objective 1 activities after the first year.
1.6.7. Activities to achieve Objective 3
- Support gender mainstreaming capacity building activities for WU staff and government officials. Workshop on (i) mainstreaming gender mainstreaming in local development plans and strategies; (ii) training on participatory approaches for 60 government officials and WU members at all levels so that they can effectively mobilize people's participation and effective contributions to socio-economic development local.
- Support activities to improve leadership capacity for WU staff and state officials. Organize 2 training courses on leadership skills including: (i) Communication skills and training promotion, problem solving and a (ii) International Convention on the Rights of Children and Women, legal framework on domestic violence for 60 female leaders and officials. state ministry.
- Support for leaflets and communication on gender equality, women's and children's rights, domestic violence. Design and disseminate simple illustrated leaflets to raise awareness about gender equality, promote the realization of women's and children's rights, and prevent domestic violence in 2 high-profile communication events awareness.
- Support the provincial policy recommendation workshop. Organize a Provincial Conference on Gender-Based Strategies to Improve Women's Livelihoods with the participation of female leaders, representatives of businesses, cooperatives, cooperative groups, Department of Planning and Investment Department of Agriculture and Rural Development.
II. Objective of the assessment
The overall objective of this assessment is to identify the project's results compared to the proposal and the successful lessons as well as the barriers and challenges in the implementation process, thereby proposing useful lessons learned. useful and feasible, contributing to better implementation of similar programs.
Overall objective of the assessment:
- Facilitating decision-making and planning (including planning for organizational development and capacity building of managers); design the next phase of the project based on the results of the evaluation.
- Published independent assessment results demonstrate accountability and transparency to stakeholders, including donors, authorities and beneficiaries.
Specific goals of the assessment:
- Is the progress and results achieved according to the indicators at the time of evaluation and the possibility of achieving the indicators at the end of the project or to what extent at the end of the project?
- Assess whether the project's objectives are in line with the needs and aspirations of the target households? Are the project objectives consistent with TNWU's strategy or policy? Are the project objectives consistent with the donor's strategy/policies?
- Evaluating effectiveness (full measure of deployed resources in relation to results and effectiveness) and Whether changes (at the goal level) will continue to be sustained when the project is finished. end no. Or specifically, whether the project ends, will the income of poor women continue to increase/improve; Will local support structures continue to be maintained and supported for women's households? Will women continue to be recognized/recognized as important members of the community?
- Assess the level of stakeholder involvement in the project implementation process and impacts (Does the project contribute to the achievement of common development goals? To what extent is it expected to contribute to the achievement of the main and secondary long-term goals set out under the development policy. Also any other positive and negative changes that have occurred will be investigated (if any).
III. Output to be achieved
The assessment report should answer the following questions:
About project progress:
- How does the progress of project activities compare to the design plan?
- If there is a delay, what promotion measures have been taken? What support from the parties to complete?
- What lessons have been learned to ensure project progress?
Regarding project performance:
- Do the project results meet the needs of the beneficiaries?
- Effective in coordination among stakeholders in the planning, implementation and monitoring of project activities?
- What internal/external factors affected the effectiveness of the project and the remedial actions taken? Additional recommendations from the consultant?
- What is the level of contribution (financial or non-financial) from organizations, public entities, beneficiary groups and other partners?
- What lessons learned in promoting sustainable communities to ensure women's participation in the business process should be recommended to management?
Regarding the level of stakeholder involvement:
- What is the level of participation of the beneficiaries, local partners in the implementation of project activities?
- Are there any obstacles in the management mechanism, information communication... that need to be improved to increase the level of participation?
Regarding sustainability of impacts/models:
- Suitability and applicability of the planning method?
- Which sustainable livelihood models of the project are highly feasible for future application? Is it possible to apply the neighboring communes? Why?
- What lessons have been learned about gender mainstreaming in project activities?
IV. Methods of implementation
This end-of-term assessment was conducted with a combination of secondary data review, qualitative assessment, and quantitative assessment. The consultant will review and compile data from secondary data and work with project managers of Thai Nguyen Women's Union, then conduct in-depth interviews and focus group discussions. and conduct quantitative surveys. The detailed design of the evaluation method will be proposed by the consultant in the proposal sent to the Women's Union of Thai Nguyen province.
V. Final product
- Records and statistics during data collection and analysis.
- 01 a complete report (in both English and Vietnamese) that meets the specific objectives and outputs described above.
- Documents for finalization of assessment activities according to financial regulations of the State and donors.
- All of the above documents are sent to the Provincial Women's Union within 20 days after completing the field assessment.
VI. Scope of work
Experts and consultants will perform the following specific tasks:
- The design of the assessment outline includes: assessment objectives, information collection methods, evaluation indicators, information sources and information collection plans. Send evaluation outline to Thai Nguyen Women's Union 2 weeks before conducting for comments, consensus and implementation.
- Evaluation planning includes: working schedule, interviewees include relevant organizations and individuals and partners involved in the implementation of project activities in the area.
- Develop a detailed report outline and send it to Thai Nguyen Women's Union for comments and approval before implementation.
- Prepare interview questions and/or orientation discussions with stakeholders.
- Reviewing project documents and documents provided by the Provincial Women's Union.
- Field trip to the project area to collect information.
- Analyze and synthesize information.
- Receive and process feedback to complete the final report.
- Send the official report in Vietnamese and English (minimum 20 pages, maximum 35 pages) to the Provincial Women's Union no later than September 30, 2011 after the field work is over via email hoangmaipntn@gmail.com
VII. Requirements for experts, job positions
Experts and evaluation consultants need to meet the following requirements:
- Being an independent expert with at least 5 years of experience in the field of assessment and appraisal of development projects and other related projects.
- Having specialized qualifications relevant to the assessment work content such as: Community development, Environment, Gender mainstreaming Development consulting...
- Able to use English fluently (Speak and Write).
- Ability to write reports and present reports in both English and Vietnamese.
- Ability to synthesize, analyze independently, objectively and make appropriate, sharp, creative and feasible recommendations in the context of Vietnam.
- Ability to complete work with commitment to quality under time pressure.
- Ability to go on field trips in the area as required by the job.
- Objective, honest in the spirit of construction and suggestions to serve the goal of improving project performance.
VIII. Implementation time and cost
- The total evaluation period is 15 days (Detailed time attached), starting from September 15, 2021, completing the report by September 30, 2021.
- The cost for 01 (one) consulting day is determined based on the experience and capacity of the expert and according to the norms prescribed by the World Bread Organization
- All expenses related to travel and accommodation of experts during the field trip will be directly paid by the Provincial Women's Union.
IX. Contact address and application form
- Interested candidates please send technical profile, letter of interest and CV to: Ms. Bui Hoang Mai – Project Officer (Thai Nguyen Women's Union, No. 3 – Doi Can Street, Thai Nguyen City; Phone: 0915 539 762; Email: hoangmaipntn@gmail.com).
- Deadline for application submission: June 30, 2021
SCHEDULE OF TERM-END EVALUATION Project “Promoting women’s participation in business processes” (Thai Nguyen Provincial Women's Union – N-VNM-2019-0153 Project)
NO. |
1 |
Work with the project management board, study project design documents, report progress and audit from the beginning of the period to the evaluation period. |
Provincial Women's Union |
01 day |
2 |
Design tools, evaluation forms |
Consulting workplace |
01 day |
3 |
Working in the field with stakeholders, with beneficiaries. |
Yen Ninh Commune |
03 days (02 hamlets/day) |
4 |
Working in the field with stakeholders, with beneficiaries. |
Yen Do Commune |
03 days (02 hamlets/day) |
5 |
Working with Government Leaders, Women's Unions of 02 communes to implement the project |
Yen Do Commune Yen Ninh Commune |
01 day |
6 |
Working with Government leaders, relevant departments, Phu Luong District Women's Union H?i |
Phu Luong District People's Committee |
01 day |
7 |
Completing the Assessment Report |
Consulting workplace |
04 days |
8 |
Present the report to the WU in Thai Nguyen province (1/2 working day in agreement with TNWU, 1/2 day presenting the results). | Thai Nguyen Provincial Women's Union |
01 day |
Total number of consultation days |
15 days |
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