VVOB together with its partners will develop and air a set of video clips on Learning through Play (LtP) and organize a series of play-day events in 8 selected provinces of the country, all aligned to the learning domains specified in the Vietnam early childhood education curriculum to help children that transition into primary school overcome the learning gap they experienced.
The video-clips will target teachers and parents to apply Learning Through Play activities in their daily practices to develop children’s physical, cognitive, socio-emotional, language/communication and creative skills - domains emphasized in the Vietnam ECE curriculum as critical preconditions to children’s success in primary school. The clips will later be used as an online resource for teachers when applying LtP.
In collaboration with other stakeholders, VVOB will organize a National Play event which is a day where teachers actively engage their students in LtP activities and parents re-engage with their children in playful activities that also contribute to their learning on the 5 developmental domains. The events will take place in the 8 target provinces of the iPLAY project: Da Nang, Quang Tri, Hanoi, Thai Nguyen, Ho Chi Minh City, Quang Ngai, Ha Giang and Lai Chau
To provide technical support to the above-mentioned deliverables, VVOB Vietnam is looking for a qualified consultant/team to work from Aug 10th to December 15th, 2020. Please refer to the attached
ToR for more details.
Proposals should be submitted to Mr. Le Hieu, Communication Officer, Email:
Deadline for submission: Friday, August 14, 2020
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