Name of the Procuring Entity: Project Management Unit “Northern Mountain Integrated Child Nutrition Improvement Project” Ministry of Health is looking for consultants for the following procurement packages:
- Package 1: consultant for development of training meterials and training course on M&E of child nutrition for key staff in health and argiculture sectors in Yen Bai and Son La.
- Package 2: consultant for Research vital natural food to sustain villager’s nutrition and conduct nutrition analysis under activity “Research and encourage practices on local available natural ingredients utilization Northern Mountain Integrated Child Nutrition Improvement Project”
- Package 3: consultant for Nutrition analysis especially protein, micronutrient on the each natural ingredient and develop natural ingredient nutrition data base under activity “Research and encourage practices on local available natural ingredients utilization Northern Mountain Integrated Child Nutrition Improvement Project”
- Package 4: consultant for Develop IEC materials of natural foods using and environment protection education under activity “Research and encourage practices on local available natural ingredients utilization Northern Mountain Integrated Child Nutrition Improvement Project”
- Fund: Non-refundable aid from JSDF through Save The Children International.
- Form of bidding: Select individual consultant.
- Time of receipt the job request: from 9 hours, 14 th Oct 2019 to 14:15, 30 th Oct 2019 (during office hours).
- Place of receipt the job request and invitation letter (Letter of interest is issued at no cost/fee): Project Management Unit “Northern Mountain Integrated Child Nutrition Improvement Project” Ministry of Health, 138A Giang Vo, Ba Dinh, Ha Noi (208 Room, 2th floor, House D, Department of Maternal and Child Health Care - Officer in charge: Bui Dac Thanh Nam). Officer phone: 0988.411.135.
- Time for closing bidding: 14:15, 30th Oct 2019.
The consultant's proposal will be open at 14:30, 30th Oct 2019, at Project Management Unit “Northern Mountain Integrated Child Nutrition Improvement Project” Ministry of Health, 208 Room, 2nd floor, House D - Department of Maternal and Child Health Care, 138A Giang Vo, Ba Dinh, Ha Noi.
Project Management Unit “Northern Mountain Integrated Child Nutrition Improvement Project” invite individual consultants to submit their proposals to attend the opening ceremony at the time and place mentioned above.
Notice of Bidding (Vietnamese)
Tags: MOH
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