Education for Nature – Vietnam ( ENV)

About Us:

Education for Nature Vietnam (ENV) is a non-governmental organization focused on wildlife conservation. ENV protects endangered species from extinction by working to end the illegal wildlife trade threatening thousands of animals in Vietnam and worldwide. In the wake of the sixth mass extinction, Education for Nature Vietnam is taking action against extinction and fighting for the preservation of biodiversity. We do this through an effective approach consisting of three elements: 1. Reduce consumer demand for wildlife and wildlife products in Vietnam 2. Strengthen Vietnamese law enforcement to better respond to wildlife crime 3. Work with lawmakers, prosecutors and judges to update legislation regarding wildlife in Vietnam and ensure wildlife criminals face the full extent of the law.

Our mission

Our planet is facing the sixth mass extinction: the worst epidemic of species reduction since the dinosaurs were wiped out 65 million years ago. Scientists have calculated that animal and plant species today are dying 1,000 times faster than what is natural, and that within the century, this will likely escalate to 10,000 times faster. As a result, our rapidly dying planet is losing the only thing that can save life on earth, the environment. To save the environment and humanity, we need to protect wild species and their habitats from going extinct. We need wildlife conservation.

Vietnam has been rated the 16th most biologically diverse country in the world by the World Conservation Monitoring Center. With 276 species of mammals, 828 species of birds, 180 species of reptiles, 80 species of amphibians, 472 species of freshwater fish, and thousands of invertebrate species identified, Vietnam is home to an abundance of endemic animals which hold considerable scientific and biological significance.

But it’s not just Vietnam’s wildlife we protect. Wildlife from all over the world are being caught and smuggled to Vietnam, with prevalent consumer demand here and across the boarder in China, the largest consumer demand for wildlife. Vietnam’s strategic position prompts the illegal smuggling of thousands of endangered animals into this country each year.

ENV tackles this demand by operating our proven three-tier strategy:

1. Strengthening law enforcement to act on wildlife crime, confiscating wildlife and arresting wildlife criminals 2. Collaborating with Vietnamese government officials to implement more effective laws, ensuring no one gets away with wildlife crime 3. Operating national campaigns on TV, radio, social media, schools, outposts, and public engagements, empowering the public to fight illegal trade of wildlife and their products

Our History

In the 1990s, after decades of war and isolation, environmental awareness was still a very new concept in Vietnam. However, a small group of passionate, young Vietnamese people recognized a great need for sustainable, long-term, locally-led environmental education across the country. With this goal, Education for Nature – Vietnam (ENV) was established in 2000. The idea to create a local NGO focused on the conservation of nature and the environment was born from ENV’s Founder and current Executive Director, Vu Thi Quyen. At the time, she was working for the Cuc Phuong Conservation Project (CPCP) under Fauna & Flora International, delivering Vietnam’s first sustained community based environmental awareness program in the buffer zone of Cuc Phuong National Park. As CPCP became recognized as a national model for community-based environmental education, staff began to come from other national parks to learn from it. Recognizing the need to develop and expand a sustainable Vietnamese-led initiative to train educators and protected area staff beyond the life of the FFI project, Quyen came upon the idea of establishing her own organization. And thus, ENV was born. In the early days, ENV continued the CPCP work of training environmental educators, focusing a majority of its efforts on developing programs at national parks and nature reserves. However at the same time, Vietnam’s economy was rapidly developing, and this new prosperity also brought increased demand for exotic wildlife dishes and traditional medicines that were formerly beyond the reach of most ordinary citizens. In 2004, in response to rising consumer demand, ENV began shifting its approach towards tackling the difficult issue of the illegal wildlife trade on a national scale. Since then, ENV’s strategy has developed to include the operation of a toll-free National Wildlife Crime Hotline 1800 1522 to enable public reporting of crimes, extensive public awareness and mobilization campaigns, the development of the Wildlife Crime Unit to support and strengthen law enforcement in wildlife protection, and a policy and legislation program to close legal loopholes and advocate effective government policy. Today, ENV has grown to employ around 30 dedicated staff in our office in Hanoi. We also have a growing number of volunteers, approximately 7,500 members, who are our eyes and ears on the ground around the country. ENV is committed to making a difference and we will continue to fight for wildlife protection and to end the illegal wildlife trade.

What we do

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P.O Box 222, Hanoi, Vietnam
Block 17T5, 17th floor, Room 1701 Hoang Dao Thuy Street, Cau Giay District, Hanoi
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