The ILO Office for Viet Nam is looking for a qualified and experienced international consultant to support the Project with Project documentation, identification of good practices and lessons learnt, communications, awareness raising, English editing and other assigned activities.
The successful consultant would be required to deliver outputs during 11.5 months started from 16 September 2020 under the Terms of Reference attached.
Proposals should be submitted by email to with cc to before
7 September 2020 and include information specified in the Terms of Reference.
Terms of Reference
Project: “Technical Support for Enhancing National Capacity to Prevent and Reduce Child Labour in Viet Nam” (ENHANCE)
Assignment: Technical documentation and communications consultant
- Background
The technical cooperation project, namely “
Technical Support for Enhancing National Capacity to Prevent and Reduce Child Labour in Viet Nam” (ENHANCE) is funded by the United States Department of Labour (USDOL), through the International Labour Organisation (ILO), to support the Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs of Vietnam (MOLISA) to address the issue of child labour in Viet Nam.
The Project directs technical support to enhance Government efforts to counter child labour, building on achievements to date and making particular effort to address the informal sector and identified priority industry sectors. The project engages with a wide range of government, social partners and civil society in its implementation. The project direct interventions are implemented in three provinces: Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC), An Giang Province and Hanoi.
The Project’s overall development objective is
to build a comprehensive and efficient multi-stakeholder response for the prevention and reduction of child labour in Viet Nam. Placing capacity building for sustainable solutions at the heart of its interventions, the Project delivers interventions under three mutually reinforcing components to achieve the following immediate objectives:
- Strengthening the capacity of national institutions and stakeholders to identify, monitor and respond to child labour, as part of the promotion of international labour standards
- Raising awareness of child labour, the associated hazards and prohibitions against it among all levels of society.
- Implementing and documentation of intervention models for preventing and withdrawing child labour in selected geographical areas and sectors to be ready for replication.
The project is looking for a qualified and experienced international consultant to support the Project with Project documentation, identification of good practices and lessons learnt, communications, awareness raising, English editing and other assigned activities.
- Tasks
The Consultant is expected to be available to attend workshops and events in Hanoi and to travel to Project sites for documentation. S/he will report to the National project manager (NPM), Awareness Raising Officer and Capacity building officer while carrying out the following tasks:
- Project documentation:
- Produce Project newsletters, news items and feature articles to promote broader visibility of project activities, and facilitate knowledge sharing with partners and relevant stakeholders;
- Travel to Project sites to interview partners and beneficiaries to document case studies, good practices and lessons learnt.
- Communications:
- Review and edit project documents, draft opening speeches, take detailed minutes from workshops and events and draft press releases;
- Support development of awareness raising materials and targeted messages for a wide range of audiences and collaborate on the development of communications strategies and plans when required.
- Global knowledge sharing and reporting:
- Monitor and report on Viet Nam’s progress towards Sustainable Development Goal Target 8.7 as a pathfinder country for Global Alliance 8.7;
- Undertake desk research on relevant thematic areas and global good practices and review global studies that can inform Project activities, when required;
- Draft research briefs and executive summaries and support the development of knowledge products.
III. Expected Outputs
The following outputs, including, but not limited to the following, are expected to be produced and submitted by the Consultant:
- Quarterly Project newsletter, internal updates, news items and press releases, feature articles, case studies and beneficiary testimonials;
- Qualitative research, interview guidelines and agendas for communications trips;
- Reports on good practices and lessons learnt, SDG Target 8.7 reports, research summaries, fact sheets, desk reviews and TORs;
- Speeches, workshop reports, meeting minutes, targeted messages, social media posts and awareness raising materials;
- Edited project documents and reports in line with ILO house style.
Agreed time frame
- The contract duration will be from 16 September 2020 and extend for 11.5 months.
- The consultant is expected to work for approximately 20 days per month.
Required qualifications and experience
- Educated to graduate or postgraduate level in a relevant field, such as international development, international relations, communications etc.
- At least two years’ of relevant experience with a UN agency or INGO (three years’ if educated to undergraduate level)
- Excellent writing and editing skills in English with the ability to synthesise technical information and develop engaging and informative content for varied audiences.
- Knowledge and experience in the field of child labour or related field
- Experience in qualitative research methods including interviews and desk reviews
- Ability to communicate effectively in writing and verbally in English
- Willingness to acquire new knowledge and skills
- Ability to engage with multiple stakeholders including Project partners and beneficiaries
- Willingness to travel within Viet Nam when required
- Ability to work independently and remotely, as well as on-site as part of a team when required
- Ability to produce quality results under tight deadlines
- Ability to work in a multicultural and multilingual environment
Financial and other matters
Payment will be made on a monthly basis upon successful completion of assigned outputs.
This is an inclusive payment including professional fees, internet and telephone costs, medical insurance, personal income tax and any other additional costs. For work related travel, flights and DSA will be covered by the Project.
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