Issued by: OSCE Mission in Kosovo
Vacancy number: VNKOSC02250
Vacancy type: Experts/Consultants
Number of posts: 1
Duty station: Prishtine / Pristina
Date of issue: 20 February 2020
Deadline for application: 1 March 2020 - 23: 59 Central European Time (CET/CEST)
Date of entry on duty: 5 March 2020
In 2020, the OSCE Mission in Kosovo (Mission), Department for Security and Public Safety (DSPS), through its Serious and Organized Crime Section (SOCS) will implement the UB project 'Strengthening mechanisms for local co-operation and co-ordination to tackle serious and organized crime and violent extremism'.
In line with the Kosovo Strategy and Action Plan against Trafficking in Human Beings (THB) 2020-2024, in March 2020, the Mission will organize a three-day specialized training on investigation of cases of human trafficking through Internet. The training will take place in Prishtinë/Priština. Twenty (20) representatives with balanced gender and ethnicity representation from Kosovo Police (KP) Directorate for Investigation of THB and the KP Cybercrime Investigation Sector will participate in this training. The participants will acquire the necessary skills to conduct successful investigations of THB cases dealing with recruitment of victims through Internet networks for sexual and labour exploitation purposes, false marriages and other forms of exploitation.
The participants of the specialized training will gain skills and knowledge on contemporary methods for planning, managing and conducting investigation of cases of internet misuse for trafficking purposes, as well as investigative techniques for effective gathering of evidence, inter-sectoral and international co-operation in the field of THB, especially in the area of internet trafficking. This dynamic and contemporary training program will provide KP investigators the necessary skills to collect critical and predictive information on personnel and facilities, which are of particular interest in ongoing investigations. It will also increase their awareness related to the criminal use/misuse of internet for trafficking in human beings and particularly for trafficking of children as well as sexual abuse and exploitation of children. Additionally, the participants will be able to profile the methods and motives of traffickers who sexually abuse/exploit children and use internet for different related purposes The training will focus on the following areas:
- Methods of recruitment of potential victims of trafficking (PVoT) through internet
- Online platforms that use traffickers to recruit and abuse VoT
- Methods and techniques of recruiting victims of trafficking (VoT) through fake online advertisements for employment abroad with the purpose of furthering their exploitation (sexual, labour or other form of exploitation);
- Web sites used/misused by traffickers for recruiting PVoT
- Internet misuse for sexual abuse of children
- Internet and Dark Net methods of child sexual abuse through child pornography
- Internet misuse for the purpose of sexual exploitation through forced prostitution
- Techniques of identifying cases of internet sexual abuse and providing evidence against perpetrators
Tasks and Responsibilities
Under the supervision of the Activity Manager, the International expert shall:
- Develop appropriate interactive adult training methodology and materials in consultation with SOCS/activity manager and deliver the training schedule and presentations, video projections, exercises and/or case studies to the activity manager two weeks prior to the training
- Develop a short appropriate assessment exercise or test to assess the skills which have been developed by course participation during the course of the training
- Deliver a three-day specialized training on investigation of cases of human trafficking through Internet for twenty (20) KP participants and assist them to cope with the challenges that they face during the training
- Supply all training material produced and provide advice on the sustainability of this advanced training programme related to investigation of THB involving internet and child sexual abuse to the activity manager
- Produce the final consultancy report and recommendations for further actions, which have been identified during the course of the training.
- By 10 March 2020 submit the training plan, agenda and training material to the activity manager for approval and potential amendment.
- From 23 to 25 March 2020 deliver the three-day training to the participants.
- By 27 March 2020, submit the post-training evaluation report, including the assessment of the effectiveness of the training and recommendations for further actions.
Performance Indicators
- The draft and full training package in English, including the training materials, training presentations, training schedule, class exercises and case studies submitted on time and approved by the activity manager
- The training course delivered as scheduled and planned in the requested format and quality as agreed with the activity manager
- Positive feedback from the training participants (training evaluation questionnaire)
- Qualitative post training evaluation report submitted to the Activity Manager.
Necessary Qualifications
- University degree in criminology, Psychology, computer forensics, social sciences or from a recognised police academy or police college
- Minimum 8 years of relevant professional experience and 5 years of training experience in the field for law enforcement personnel
- Proven work experiences in Criminal Investigations
- Ability to operate windows applications and other online platforms
- Professional fluency in English
- Demonstrated ability and willingness to work as a team member with people of different cultural and religious backgrounds and different gender
- Flexibility and ability to work under pressure and within limited timeframes
- Desired additional Qualifications
- Previous experience in investigation on THB, investigation of internet recruiting and internet misuse for purpose of sexual abuse cases is desirable
Remuneration Package
Remuneration will depend on the qualifications and experience of individual experts as well as the detailed work plan to be agreed upon and will be based on the current OSCE consultancy rates.
How To Apply
In order to apply for this position you must complete the OSCE's online application form, found under Applicants are encouraged to use the online recruitment and only fully completed OSCE applications will be accepted. However, if you have technical difficulties with the system you may use the offline application form found under and forward the completed form quoting the vacancy number by e-mail to:
In line with your qualifications please indicate preference to one or more field of expertise listed above (while using the online application the field of expertise preference can be indicated in the cover letter part). Kindly note that applications received after the deadline, submitted in different formats than the OSCE Application Form or in other languages than the English language would not be considered. The OSCE is committed to diversity and inclusion within its workforce, and encourages qualified female and male candidates from all national, religious, ethnic and socialbackgrounds to apply.
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