Request for proposals: A local Vietnamese independent theatre-for-development group
Tackling Modern Slavery in Vietnam (TMSV) Project is funded by the UK Home Office and implemented by a consortium composed of International Organisation of Migration (IOM), British Council and World Vision. IOM is the consortium lead. The goal of this project is to end modern slavery in Viet Nam through changing behaviour, increasing prosecutions and supporting the rehabilitation and reintegration of potential and actual victims of human trafficking. TMSV Project is expected to achieve the following three broad impact areas:
- Preventing vulnerable populations from becoming victims
- Strengthening the judicial response to human trafficking
- Supporting the rehabilitation and reintegration of victims of trafficking
The British Council will lead on Impact Area 2 to deliver the following outcomes:
- Expected outcome (2.1) – Vulnerable populations at grassroots level have increased understanding of criminal justice system and processes in human trafficking cases
- Expected outcome (2.2) – Judges, prosecutors and lawyers trained in adjudicating and prosecuting trafficking cases including identification of trafficking indicators/cases, victim and witness sensitivity/interviewing techniques, evidence collection and case management, effective implementation of amended legislation and international best practice.
- Expected outcome (2.3) - Strengthened coordination between justice sector agencies in pilot provinces through support to improving the national database on trafficking under the National Program on Prevention and Fighting Trafficking (2016-20)
As part of the approach to achieve Impact Area 2 of the TMSV Project, the British Council will deliver a Community-led Forum Theatre component including a series of campaigns using forum theatre as a means of communicating key behaviour change messages tailored to the needs of vulnerable communities. Community-led forum theatre is a tested and effective means of communicating social messages by enabling sensitive processes of community dialogue to take place, which in turn induces patterns of behavioural change in communities. These interactive theatre performances, customised to the theme of fighting human trafficking in Vietnam, aim to ensure that vulnerable populations at grassroots level have increased knowledge and awareness in order to facilitate changed patterns of behaviours.
The British Council is looking for a local Vietnamese independent theatre-for-development group to work under the guidance of a UK theatre expert and with the support of the TMSV project team, to provide capacity building and support to five (5) provincial theatre troupes in order to enable them to develop and deliver a series of community-led forum theatre performances on fighting human trafficking in the project target areas
Scope and Objectives
The overall objective of the work is to provide capacity building support to selected provincial theatre troupes and enable them to develop and deliver community-led forum theatre performances on fighting human trafficking in the project target areas.
The specific objectives are as follows:
- Lead in the initial scoping visits to the project locations (5 provinces) and draft a report with findings and recommendations for the development of the
- Community-led Forum Theatre component for the TMSV project;
- Work with a UK forum theatre expert and the TMSV project team and partners in co-designing and co-organizing the community-led forum theatre trainings;
- Support provincial theatre troupes to deliver script development for the community-led forum theatre performances on fighting human trafficking in target provinces;
- Facilitate the delivery of community-led forum theatre performances on fighting human trafficking in target provinces;
- Assure quality of theatre performances; consolidate results of each performance to share with TMSV project team
- Review entire process and prepare a learning and best practice report
Further details of the specific requirements under each of those objectives are provided in Annex 1 - Request for Proposals (RFP) – download link is provided below.
Proposals will be assessed using the following criteria:
- Demonstrated knowledge about popular forms of theatre native to specific localities in Vietnam and the art performance procedures
- Track record in planning and delivery of forum theatre projects/ activities in promoting development messages
- Proven ability to collaborate with project partners, local authorities and local art troupes
- Proven sufficient capacity and resource to manage the assignment across the five selected provinces and managing quality assurance of such type of activities
Ability to assess and write debrief of learning and best practice in community theatre performances
See Clause 14 in the RFP Evaluation Criteria for more details – download link is provided below.
How to respond to this Request for Proposal
Interested candidates are invited to send your proposal comprising of:
- a cover letter (maximum 2 pages) and a CV outlining your relevant knowledge and experiences as required in Clause 9 of the RFP – download link is provided below
- examples of projects delivered which addressed experiences working with partners and local authorities (maximum 2 pages)
- a proposal (maximum 5 pages) including arrangement of resources, capacity, methodologies and cost estimate to implement the assignment
All queries should be sent to
Please send your proposal to by 5 pm September 30, 2019
Annex 1 - Request for Proposals (RFP)
Annex 2 – Terms and Conditions of Contract for more information
Annex 3 – Supplier Response for more information
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