In those years, the inhumane warfare in Vietnam caused great indignation all across the world and certainly in the Netherlands. It was the time of protests, demonstrations and actions, but also of “put your money where your mouth is”. Out of solidarity many Dutch people donated money. In 1973, MCNV had 67,000 donors, who had already donated a good 4 million euros. The aid initially consisted of sending medical supplies and medicines. After the Vietnam war ended in 1975, relief aid was provided for a few more years. The Dutch proved to be very inventive in thinking up solidarity campaigns, from “Musicians for Vietnam” to “Knitting for Vietnam”. By the mid-seventies, MCNV had grown into a strong organisation with two paid employees and 40 volunteers in the office in Amsterdam and 600 volunteers across the country.HOLLAND HOSPITAL

After the war, the horrible consequences for Vietnam became known, and MCNV, by then the largest Vietnam committee in Europe, began the battle against tuberculosis (tb) and malaria. The MCNV campaign “With 10 guilders a month you can cure a tb patient in Vietnam” marked the beginning of a 25-year campaign against tuberculosis, during which MCNV worked closely with the large tb hospitals in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City. From 1983 onwards, MCNV collaborated with the Royal Central Association for the Battle against Tuberculosis, and tb experts Dr. Jaap Broekmans and Dr. Nguyen Dinh Huong lay the foundations for the New National Programme against tb. A study on identifying and treating tb patients resulted in an extremely successful method to battle tuberculosis, which is now standardly used all across the world.MALARIA
In 1987, an epidemic of the very dangerous brain-malaria broke out, leading to renewed attention for the battle against malaria. With the financial support of the Ministry of Developing Countries, MCNV introduced Permetrhine to drive the mosquitoes out of the houses. MCNV studies also showed that mosquito-netting impregnated with Permetrhine were effective, and seven years after MCNV began distributing them, 10 million Vietnamese were already sleeping under the nets. The treatment and especially the prevention of the mosquito spread diseases malaria and dengue (knuckle fever) became one of the most important MCNV projects in the nineteen-nineties. Read more: Ron Marchand looks back at thirty years of fighting malaria in MCNV Magazine 2016 – 3.OPPORTUNITIES FOR EVERYONE
When the Vietnamese government opened its boundaries for foreign investors with its Doi Moi politics and the American trade embargo was lifted in 1994, the Vietnamese economy started to boom. The country developed on various fronts, so that the future for a large part of the population now looks rosy, but at the same time the difference between rich and poor is growing, and in remote areas there are still millions of people living in poverty and without access to education and good (medical) care. Since the nineteen-nineties, MCNV has turned its attention to these people, who cannot yet reap the benefits of progress. In 1997, the southern coastal province of Ben Tre was hit by a typhoon, claiming many casualties out on the sea and destroying hundreds of thousands of houses. This prompted MCNV to begin offering small loans to the bereaved women, enabling them to start up modest businesses to better provide for themselves. MCNV has further developed and spread the system of micro-credit (revolving funds), in close collaboration with the Women’s Union. Taking responsibility for one’s own health became the aim of the Community Managed Health Development project. In about 300 villages in the province of Quang Tri, projects were carried out in which the villagers made their own plans to improve their circumstances. This approach is now supported by MCNV in many places, its goal: health and an improved standard of living. Capacity building, the training of doctors and nurses for medical posts in remote areas, was another fixed value in the work of MCNV. In addition, cooperation networks were set up in the poorest regions of Vietnam and Lao PDR, between health, education and agricultural services and – even more importantly – the inhabitants themselves. MCNV has offices in Vietnam, Lao PDR and the Netherlands, with Vietnamese and Laotian staff members and Dutch experts. MCNV can carry on with its work thanks to the support of its loyal donors in the Netherlands and grants from among others the EU, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, USAID and various equity funds and family trusts. Read more: Click here to read a brief summary of the history of MCNV (pdf)
In spite of the overall global economic growth, a large amount of people does not yet benefit from this increased wealth and prosperity. They are structurally excluded from the opportunities and benefits that increased wealth could bring, if divided differently within their societies, and are severely discriminated against. The international concern about the growing disparities within nations is expressed in the ‘Leave No One Behind’ commitment in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s). MCNV contribute with programs and partnerships to a more inclusive society in which all people have equal chances of maximum physical, mental and social well-being.
We envision a world in which the society supports all people in their development to the maximum well-being and full social position.MISSION
Our mission is to enhance the equitable and sustainable access of marginalised people to resources and services that improve their health and inclusion in developing countries in South East Asia.-
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