UNDP Vietnam is seeking for a National consultant to review existing policies and practices related to maintenance of resilient houses, and propose feasible maintenance solutions for houses to ensure the sustainability of the GCF project.
Specifically, the consultant will focus on the following key activities:
- Prepare a short inception report (maximum 10 pages) that consists of developing a detailed workplan, full assessment methodology, mission plan and list of stakeholders to meet in the project provinces as well as the consultant’s network and experience in the housing related maintenance sector;
- Desk study/review of existing government policies and practices related to maintenance activities (including management, technical and financial issues) for individual houses in general and resilient houses in particular;
- Conduct interviews in two project provinces to collect data from provincial level DoCs, CPCs, sample households and other stakeholders (about 2 days in each province including travel);
- Analyze data collected through interviews and develop a first full draft of the report for clearance by UNDP with options on the feasible maintenance solutions for existing GCF project-support houses in the project areas. The report will also be intended for analyzing and developing a series of recommendations for specific actions which could be taken forward by the Government, the GCF coastal resilience project and the household owners. Moreover, the report should consider specific elements of maintenance for inclusion in the design of a future flood and storm resilient housing program;
- Develop agenda, invitee list and PowerPoint presentation for the one day consultation meeting on the draft report in Ha Noi with participations of UNDP, MOC PMU and CPMU after considering feedbacks from provinces into the report;
- Finalize report based on feedback received and submit to UNDP for final approval.
Procurement Notice with enclosed TOR and evaluation criteria are attached in the below link.
Interested offerors are invited to submit Letter of Interest and Availability, CVs, sample reports, financial proposal following guidance in the Procurement Notice to:
Procurement Unit UNDP Viet Nam 304 Kim Ma, Ha Noi, Viet Nam Tel: (+84 24) 38500100 Direct: (+84 24) 38501831 Email: nguyen.thuy.nga@undp.org
with notification by email (without attachment) to: procurement.vn@undp.org that the bidder has submitted proposal.
UNDP will not be responsible for the missing of proposal if the bidder does not send notification email to above address.
Deadline for submission: On or before 21 June 2020
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