Vacancy Announcement
Deloitte Consulting LLP (“Deloitte”), implementing the USAID Improving Private Sector Competitiveness Activity (“Activity” or “IPS-C”) is looking for a qualified local professional to fill the position of
Objective 2 Results and Innovation Linkages Manager
Location: Hanoi, Vietnam
Duration: Duration of the Activity.
Background: The purpose of the USAID Improving Private Sector Competitiveness Activity (“Activity” or “IPS-C”) is to remove constraints and build the competitiveness of small and growing businesses (SGBs) in Vietnam, including those led by vulnerable populations. With this activity, USAID/Vietnam is supporting Vietnam’s competitiveness: vertically at the policy, market and firm level; and horizontally by working along the entire spectrum of enterprise growth models, from household businesses transforming into registered firms to small firms on the cusp of scaling up. The Activity is comprised of four inter-related Objectives. Deloitte Consulting LLP (“Deloitte”) is implementing this Activity on behalf of USAID.
Position Objective, Generally Applicable Functions, and Specific Tasks
A. Position Objective: The Objective 2 Results Manager drives Objective 2 technical activities and manages the Objective 2 team to enhance business management capabilities of SGBs, including those led by vulnerable populations.
The Objective 2 Results Manager will engage technology-focused business service organizations (BSOs) such as WISE’s Accelerator for women startups, Vietnam High Quality Product Association, VYEA, Support Center for Youth Startups, and BSSC to develop e-business-focused support packages for SGBs.
The Objective 2 Results Manager will understand the “Made by Vietnam” product concept and support rural digitization and e-business opportunities for SGBs, including women and ethnic minorities through the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development’s One Commune, One Product program. The Objective 2 Results Manager will encourage the team to engage willing local producers of these specialty products to adopt e-commerce solutions to market their products to a wider audience, linking them with buyers, such as supermarkets, to understand quality or sustainability standards and requirements.
The Objective 2 Results Manager will actively connect SGB to BDSPs that can provide certifications relevant to marketing products within their sector, such as HACCP, for food processing, technical standards in key markets, and voluntary certifications, such as ISO.
The Objective 2 Results Manager will be the catalyst for the Objective 2 team and to share and encourage other Objective team members to think about how innovation and technology solutions can be promoted across all four objectives.
A critical aspect of the position is to cooperate closely with the Cross-Cutting Teams to ensure the Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist, Data Collection Coordinator, Communication Specialist, and Gender and Minority Inclusion Specialist are consulted and given opportunity to comment as activities are developed and implemented. Every activity is linked to a performance objective; therefore, it is important to understand in advance of implementation what is being measured and how it will be measured.
B. General Functions of the Position. The Objective 2 Results Manager shall perform the following general functions:
- Act as a catalyst for all four Objectives and share and encourage other team members to consider how innovation and technology solutions can be promoted across all four objectives;
- Develop and maintain collegial, productive relationships with other project colleagues, USAID, project counterparts, beneficiaries, and subcontractors, Vietnam’s private sector enterprises, non-government organizations, and the Government of Vietnam at all levels, to achieve the Project objectives;
- Effectively liaise and collaborate regularly with other members of the IPS-C team;
- Contribute actively to the development of the Annual Work plan and weekly activities lists;
- Assist the Senior SGB Development Lead to ensure that all scheduling, budgeting, technical, and documentary attributes of the Annual Work Plan, are up to date in the Project’s electronic and hard-copy files;
- Ensure compliance with USAID regulations, the Project administrative and policy manual, and the Annual Project Work Plans;
- Promote close collaboration with the monitoring and evaluation, data collection, gender, communication, training, and other cross-cutting Project teams;
- Conduct all business in a manner that respects local culture and represents the Project and Deloitte professionally;
- Always maintain high ethical standards, avoiding any actual or perceived conflicts of interest;
- Perform all tasks as may be assigned by the Senior SGB Development Lead required to contribute to the achievement of Project goals and objectives.
- Perform all other reasonable tasks requested by the SGB Development Lead or the COP.
Minimum Qualifications
- Degree in business, engineering, technology, innovation or relevant field.
- An inquisitive attitude and excessive drive for accomplishing important tasks.
- At least 7 years of experience directly supporting SME growth.
- Working knowledge of e-commerce business solutions and technical approaches to improved market reach.
- Experience managing a team in a complex development environment.
- Adequacy in the English language and experience in written and verbal communications.
Interested candidates are invited to submit their CV with the Cover Letter in English to by 18:00 on June 11, 2021. Please include three references at the bottom of your CV.
Note: In the subject line please indicate name of the position to which you are applying.
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