Position title: Operations Consultant
Project: Australia-World Bank Strategic Partnership in Vietnam Phase 2 (VN- ABP2)
Location: Hanoi
Duration: from 01 Jul 2019 – 30 June 2020
Australia and the World Bank Group (the Bank) have agreed to deepen their partnership through the Australia-World Bank Strategic Partnership in Vietnam Phase 2 (VN- ABP2) to leverage the assistance programs of both Australia and the Bank to support the Government of Vietnam’s development program. This Trust Fund (TF) finances various activities including, but not limited to, project preparation and co-financing, Advisory and Analytical Works (AAA), program management, and quality assurance.
The proposed ABP2 program will focus on six priority areas: (i) Trade and Competitiveness; (ii) Transport; (iii) Ethnic Minorities; (iv) Mekong Delta; (v) Gender; and (vi) VN2035 Report Follow up, with two cross-cutting themes of gender and innovation. The development objectives of the program are to share knowledge and to strengthen policies and programs for selected development priorities for Vietnam, with a focus on gender equality. The key expected outcomes of the proposed program are to:
- strengthen strategic policies and programs; and
- increase sharing of knowledge among Government of Vietnam (GoV) agencies and between ABP partners and the GoV.
To support the Annual Steering Committee meeting of the ABP2, an Annual Progress Report of the program will be prepared. The World Bank commissions an assignment to a consultant to conduct manage a Monitoring and Evaluation system and prepare an Annual Progress Report of the whole program.
This Terms of Reference is seeking an international operations consultant, who is based in Hanoi to assist WB task team implement the ABP2.
Under the guidance and supervision of World Bank in Vietnam with some possible travel to cities/provinces under the program to provide support to communications activities. The incumbent will work in close cooperation with the ABP2 TF Program Manager, ABP2 Assistant, and all World Bank’s thematic task teams.
The consultant is expected to deliver the following tasks:
- Advise the ABP2 Secretariat on the Result Framework (RF) design and adjustment
- Update and monitor the RF/Results Chain (with support from the ABP2 assistant on data entry)
- Advise the Themes on design of Thematic Results Indicators to be in sync with the ABP2 RF indicators.
- Prepare the program’s Annual Progress Reports
- Prepare Minutes of the Steering Committee Meeting and Secretariat Meetings
- Attend Theme’s Programmatic Analytical Services and Advisory (ASA) review meetings
- Coordinate with other team members of ABP2 as requested by the Program Manager
- Other tasks as needed
The Consultant will deliver to the Task Team Leader several outputs as results of the above-mentioned tasks such as Annual Progress Report, Minutes, Updated Result Framework and Results Chain.
- The location of the assignment is in Hanoi
- The assignment is expected to be undertaken during the period from July01, 2019 to June 30, 2020
- The working days allocated for the assignment is 40
An individual consultant experienced in carrying out reviews and writing reports. Master degree or equivalent, and a minimum of 10 years in international projects, or equivalent combination of education and experience. Ability to develop, analyze and articulate project issues. Strong writing skills. Ability to interact and coordinate with various task teams. Broad-based work experience and exposure to World Bank’s projects will be an advantage.
The consultant will report to Ms. Dang Thi Quynh Nga, ABP2 Program Manager and will work closely with Ms. Thao Thi Phuong Mai, ABP2 Assistant, Giang Tam Nguyen, Gender Specialist and ABP2 theme’s leaders and team members.
Interested applicants should send a cover letter and a CV via email to
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