Position Title: Program Manager for Diabetic Retinopathy Program
Location: Hanoi, Vietnam
Type of Contract: Staffing / Fulltime
Length of Contract: Twelve month rolling contract. To be renewed annually, subject to funding availability and performance.
Report to: Country Director , and/or Senior Program Manager
Supervise: Program Officer/Coordinator/Assistant
Orbis is an international non-governmental organization committed to saving sight worldwide. Founded in New York in 1982, we have gained leading reputation in supporting developing countries to protect eye health and fight against avoidable blindness through hands-on training, advocacy, public health education and partnerships with other healthcare organizations. Orbis starts to collaborate with eye care sector in Vietnam since 1996 and Country Representative Office was established in Hanoi in 2003.
Diabetic retinopathy is an eye problem that can cause blindness. It occurs when high blood sugar damages small blood vessels in the back of the eye, called the retina. All people with diabetes are at risk of blindness for this problem.
In the world, there are more than 200 million people with diabetes, while in Vietnam the number is about 5 to 6 million people, of whom about 20% might have diabetic retinopathy at different levels. Due to DR’s lack of obvious early symptoms, patients do not notice the condition in its early stages. Timely treatment with laser photocoagulation and increasingly, the appropriate use of VEGF injection can prevent vison loss due to DR. In a bid to meet the real needs of a great deal of patients for Diabetic Retinopathy screening, whilst most of health workers at all levels have no clinical capacity in diabetes management, the country is advised to have an effective model.
Since 2017, Orbis has applied an innovative telemedicine system which was originally developed in the United Kingdom connecting provincial endocrine units where diabetic patients visit regularly for health checks. The system is also integrated with the primary health care to reach the patients in the community who has not present in the clinic.
The model has helped to screen large volumes of diabetic patients at a relatively low cost. This is the first time the system has been applied and utilized successfully in a low-middle income country. Success of the pilot model would help Orbis advocate the Ministry of Health to effectively scale up Diabetic Retinopathy screening and treatment services in other localities across the country.
Job Summary:
The Program Manager is responsible for document the best practice and scaling up the successful of “Diabetic Retinopathy Management Program” in the more regions where there is a high prevalence of diabetic as well as other provinces/ hospitals where there is a demand. In conjunction with Country Director and Program Director, the Program Manager will be in charge to move the initiative toward its goal, translate it into concrete action plan, mobilize the resource and undertake day-to-day management of the project to ensure proper coodination of the program implementation among relevant stakeholders (endocrine sector, eye care sector, public health management) to the achievement of project outputs; producing timely reports - financial and progress reports- as required Orbis and donor reporting systems, monitoring and tracking the progress of a project, gather best
practices and lesson learned for organizational sharing and learning; identifying and remedying the
problem encountered in implementation, or overcome barriers to project success.
Duties and Responsibilities:
Strategic and Planning Duties ( 10%)
- Assist Country Director/ Program Director in conducting analysis, stakeholder consultations to develop strategic plan to
- Demonstrate an effective/ appropriate model of diabetic retinopathy (DR) screenin and treatment for Vietnam
- Scale up DR care services in the more regions where there is a high prevalence of diabetic
- Raise public awareness and increase knowledge of health care staff regarding the
importance of early DR detection to prevent blindness
- To give comments on the direction of the development of Orbis programs and the development of new projects to achieve Vietnam Country Office’s priorities and strategies.
Program Directing and Technical Support ( 20%)
- Take lead to obtain project approvals and revision processes as per Orbis and local government policies and procedures;
- Develop annual work plans and detailed budget of the project and ensure the participation and involvement of relevant stakeholders in planning and implementation so that the process is inclusive, participatory and transparent;
- Identify the resource needed to accomplish the project goal and objectives (i.e: partnership, consultant hiring, integration, etc), including developing Terms of Reference for those program consultants/experts hired on a short-term basis and supervise the consultancy services to ensure proper delivery of technical services and submission of technical and other reports;
- Gather of best practices and lessons learned for organizational sharing and learning.
- Provide the proper capacity building and promote leadership and ownership of the project partners to ensure sustainability of the program intervention.
Program Implementation and Supervision (60%)
- Undertake day-to-day management of the program, ensure proper coordination of the program implementation among relevant stakeholders to the achievement of project outputs;
- Lead the project team including project staff and short-term consultants, ensuring optimization of human and financial resources and nurturing a culture of results with highest performance standards;
- Coordinate and develop good relationships with donors/partners/stakeholders.
- Oversee the establishment of the monitoring and evaluation plan of the Program and ensure its implementation.
- Ensure appropriate recording and accounting documentation as required by donor, Orbis and preparation of required financial reports.
- Produce timely reports – financial and progress reports – as required by Orbis and donor
reporting systems;
- Facilitate transparent financial management of the program including the adherence with donor financial requirement and following up with the recommendations form internal/external audits.
Other duties (10%)
Perform other duties as assigned by management.
Key Competencies:
- Good knowledge of health issues and health system.
- Capacity to promote and maintain partnership and networking and mobilize resources.
- Ability to manage programs/projects in strategic planning, results-based management and reporting;
- Solid knowledge in financial resources and human resources management, contract, asset and procurement, general administration;
- Ability to interact across a wide spectrum of people. Maturity and confidence in dealing with senior and high-ranking members of national and international institutions, government and non-government.
- Good interpersonal skills and the ability to build, promote and maintain cooperation solid relationships with internal and external partners;
- Be able and willing to align one's own behavior with the needs, priorities and goals of the organization, including acting in accordance with organizational decisions and behaving with integrity;
- Sensitive and responsive to gender, ethnicity, disability and other core Orbis values
Required Skills and Experience:
Educated to degree level in a Medical field. Master’s degree in a Public Health field is desirable. If not, otherwise 5-7 years of practical working experiences in a senior or executive position of the medical and/or public health organizations.
- Minimum of 5-7 years’ experience working in public health. Part of that experience must be in the field involving Project/Program management as well as multi-partner co-ordination
- Demonstrated ability to supervise and co-ordinate
- Experience in conducting needs assessments and program design
Language and communication:
- Excellent oral communications and conflict resolution skills
- Excellent writing skills (in both English and Vietnamese), with ability to analyze & synthesize project outputs & relevant findings for the preparation of quality project reports
Skills and behaviors (Orbis Values):
- Be honest, open and reliable, show integrity, respect and acceptance, believe in others
- Listen and empathize, be responsible , clear and precise , be professional , humble and
- Be passionate and dedicated, deliver what you promise, commit 10% efforts
- Be transparent, own your mistake
- Be responsible and look for solutions, resolve issues promptly
- Be creative, innovative and transformative, pursue best practices, be curios, celebrate team success , learn from both success and failure, seek continuous improvement
Applicants should send their CVs and covering letters in English either by email or by post to the following address:
Orbis International in Vietnam
R303-304, E4B Building, Trung Tu Diplomatic Compound
#6 Dang Van Ngu Street, Hanoi, Vietnam
Email: admin.vietnam@orbis.org
Closing date for applications: Sun, 10 May 2020, with interviews afterward. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.
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