Grow Asia and the Partnership for Sustainable Agriculture of Vietnam (PSAV) are implementing a research project called ASEAN Green Recovery through Equity and Empowerment funded by the International Development Research Center (IDRC) of Canada that aims to contribute to the transition to low carbon economy in ASEAN’s agriculture sector that promotes livelihoods and green job opportunities for women in support of ASEAN’s COVID-19 Recovery Plan specifically in Cambodia, Vietnam, and the Philippines.
The Grow Asia network comprises our regional office in Singapore and six national chapters-which we refer to as our Country Partnerships-in Cambodia, Indonesia, Myanmar, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines and Viet Nam. The network collectively engages 580+ partner organizations and supports 44 Working Groups that are reaching over 2 million smallholders across Southeast Asia.
PSAV was established in 2010 under the "New Vision for Agriculture 2020" approach to the 20-20-20 objective, which is 20% increase in productivity, 20% reduction in poverty, and 20% reduction in emissions. PSAV focuses on linking actors in the agricultural sector to share experiences and collaborate on the value chain development of key agricultural commodities in Vietnam in the form of Public Private Partnership (PPP).
In response to the urgent climate crisis and the challenges that the pandemic has created, including in agricultural supply chains, and for the many women and enterprises working within them, ASEAN has adopted the ASEAN Comprehensive Recovery Framework and Implementation Plan, which sets out the intention to promote decent rural livelihoods and green jobs. More analyses are needed to reflect the needs and experiences of women farmers, their vulnerability to the impacts of climate change or their capacity to lead the transition to climate-smart, low-carbon agricultural production.
GrowAsia and PSAV are looking to work with Research Institutions who can conduct the following outputs:
- Case study of gender-responsive, climate-positive intervention in the rice value chain in Vietnam
- “What works, what’s needed” policy recommendation report for the selected rice value chain in Vietnam
Collectively, these research outputs will serve as a foundation for evidence and testing solutions in partnership with enterprises to create the business case for advancing women’s economic empowerment and climate-smart agriculture in the rice value chains. It will also inform policymakers on the ‘how’ of transitioning to inclusive and low-carbon economies, including through incentives and public procurement, diverse financing schemes and policies that will align with nationally determined contributions for the reduction of greenhouse gases under the Paris Agreement.
In close collaboration with Grow Asia and PSAV, the consultant will perform the following:
- Identify focus areas for case study development around inclusion, women’s economic empowerment, climate-smart innovations, and practices in the rice value chain coming from the existing Gender and Climate Study, and from the piloting activities
- Develop a work plan for the case study documentation including, but not limited to, questionnaire for the case study interviews, letter of invitations to prospective case focus
- Undertake the conduct of interviews and other case study documentation activities, in coordination with PSAV;
- Write the case study and package for publication
The consultant is expected to undergo the following:
- The case study shall include a short blog post for the release. All activity outputs must also accompany the final outputs both qualitative and quantitative participatory methodologies.
- For data collection and analysis, which might include focus group discussions and key informant interviews, the use of gender protocols and processes is required. All activities shall be undertaken in observance of the Data Management Plan, and Ethics Management Plan of the AGREE Project.
- Review and/work together with the stakeholders involved in the production of the Gender-and Climate Analysis in the rice value chain;
- Develop a work plan for carrying out the report including, but not limited to: desk review of policies, practices, mechanisms, innovations, etc;
- Identify policy influencing targets, and key stakeholders;
- Conduct of meetings and/or consultation sessions
- Writing the report that synthesizes the insights from the gender analysis, casestudies, workshops/engagements, and research undertaken over the Project, with recommendations to promote gender-responsive, low-carbon agricultural practices in the rice value chain in Vietnam.
The consultant is expected to undergo the following fundermental activities:
- Have coordination and alignment meetings with the PSAV team
- Level-off scope, outcomes, andprocess in carrying out the delivery of the outputs, obtain initial data from the AGREE Research Team, including, but not limited to critical learnings in the analysis, and stakeholders involved
- Design and facilitate consultation workshops
- Field visit and incidental monitoring and engagement of the pilot activities
- Stakeholder engagement meetings
Case study: Work is expected to commence on/by December 2022 and be completed no later than March 2023 inclusive of field visits and data collection
- An “Executive Summary” of the key findings of the case study, no more than 2 pages
- The main report, no more than 25 pages, excluding annexes
- Supporting documents from the research, including but not limited to, notes from interviews/focus group discussions/site visits/photos/videos, survey data (excel files), and other secondary data from research
- A PowerPoint presentation to be used in learning events related to the launch of the report.
What Works, What’s Needed Report: Work is expected to commence by not later than November 2023 and must be completed not later than November 2023, inclusive of the workshops or other activities necessary in the production of the What Works, What’s Needed Report
- An “Executive Summary” of the key findings of the case study, no more than 2 pages
- The main report, no more than 40 pages, excluding annexes
- Supporting documents from the research, including but not limited to, notes from interviews/focus group discussions/site visits/photos/videos, survey data (excel files), and other secondary data from research
- A PowerPoint presentation to be used in learning events related to the launch of the report.
- Master’s degree or higher in a relevant field, such as development studies, business administration, business economics, women and environment, or women and sustainable development
- Minimum 10 years of demonstrable experience in the technical area of value chain analysis, livelihood development, gender analysis and gender mainstreaming, stakeholder engagement and community development
- Demonstrated experience in carrying out stakeholder consultations, community engagement, and livelihood development is highly desired, including carrying out consultations with minorities and indigenous people
- Strong written and oral communications skills, with fluency in spoken and written English
- Proficiency in Microsoft Office, including MS Word, Excel and PowerPoint
To apply, please submit the following to Nguyen Cam Thuy, PSAV coordinator at no later than 5 January 2023.
- CV of Senior Researchers and any other team members
- Financial proposal
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