Safe & Fair: Realizing women migrant workers’ rights and opportunities in the ASEAN region (2018-2022) is implemented by the ILO and UN Women. Safe & Fair delivers technical assistance and support with the overall objective of making labour migration safe and fair for all women in the ASEAN region.
In March 2020, the Prime Minister of Viet Nam issued the Decision No. 402/QD-TTg on
the National plan to implement the Global Compact of Safe, Regular and Orderly Migration with five key areas.
In the area on communication and information dissemination, safe migration for women is an important topic especially there has been increasing number of Vietnamese women migrating to work abroad. While labour migration offers opportunity for women to obtain economic independence and empowerment, there are also many women still experiencing disadvantages and gendered barriers in their migration journeys. Many of these disadvantages and barriers can be addressed with women’s better access to information on different aspects of employment opportunities, information about workers’ rights, and their increased awareness and skills on prevention of frauds, violence and exploitation. Creative and well-targeted communication activities, prioritizing women and children are highlighted in Viet Nam’s Implementation Plan of GCM.
This call for proposal is to have competent institution/organization guide the development of communication plan and the implementation of communication event (before December 2020) to effectively promote safe migration for women, keeping in mind specific requirements for outreach to rural, remote areas of Viet Nam.
Deadline for submissions: Proposals should be submitted by email no later than 17:00, 07 October 2019 (UTC+7)
Address for applications: Proposals should be submitted by email to and
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