The Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project (ACLED)

The Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project (ACLED) is a disaggregated data collection, analysis, and crisis mapping project. ACLED collects the dates, actors, locations, fatalities, and types of all reported political violence and protest events across Africa, the Middle East, Latin America & the Caribbean, East Asia, South Asia, Southeast Asia, Central Asia & the Caucasus, Southeastern & Eastern Europe & the Balkans, and the United States of America. The ACLED team conducts analysis to describe, explore, and test conflict scenarios, and makes both data and analysis open for free use by the public. ACLED is a registered non-profit organization with 501(c)(3) status in the United States. ACLED is a leading source of real-time data on political violence and protest activity around the world. We regularly provide the media with the latest figures on conflict events and fatalities, commentary on trends and dynamics, and insight on ACLED data collection methodology. For members of the media seeking information, please contact ACLED Communications at If you wish to use ACLED data, analysis, or visuals, please review our Terms of Use and Attribution Policy. If you have any questions please contact

Contact Us

Please contact with comments or queries regarding the ACLED dataset. For members of the media seeking information, please contact ACLED Communications at Subscribe to the ACLED mailing list for regular updates with the latest data and analysis as it becomes available.
Consultation Policy
ACLED regularly provides support to users on ACLED methodology queries. ACLED also provides consultation to donors and partners on the application of ACLED data to specific use cases, bespoke analysis and visualization projects, as well as advising around establishing one’s own data structures and methodologies. If you are not a donor or partner, but would like to request support of this nature, please contact to discuss becoming a partner/donor or hiring an ACLED representative for consultation.
Interested in working for ACLED? Visit our Careers page for opportunities.
ACLED is a registered non-profit organization with 501(c)(3) status in the United States. ACLED receives financial support from the Bureau of Conflict and Stabilization Operations at the United States Department of State, the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the German Federal Foreign Office, the Tableau Foundation, the International Organization for Migration, and The University of Texas at Austin. ACLED’s coverage of the United States via the US Crisis Monitor project is made possible through support from the Bridging Divides Initiative at Princeton University. ACLED also partners with Mapbox for support on the latest location data and mapping tools. The project has previously received funding from the European Research Council under the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) / ERC grant agreement n° 283755 from 2013 to 2017.
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