The International Center (formerly known as Vietnam Veterans of America Foundation -VVAF) is a humanitarian organization that has addressed the consequences of war through advocacy and service programs in Vietnam for the last three decades. As a cofounder of the International Campaign to Ban Landmines, IC-VVAF was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1997. Now The International Center (IC) focuses on disability support, landmine removal, and mental health programs.
The “Moving Without Limits” Project
Under the financial support of United States Agency for International Development (USAID), IC is implementing the Disability Support Project named “Moving without Limits” in the three provinces of Thua Thien Hue, Quang Nam and Binh Dinh. The project aims to improve people with disability’s access to quality assistive technologies or devices (AD/AT) in the target provinces, thus enhancing their independence in activities of daily living and participation in social activities.
Three specific objectives include:
- Improved availability of quality assistive technologies/devices (AT/AD) for people with mobility impairments in Thua Thien Hue, Quang Nam and Binh Dinh;
- Improved capacity for the health sector workforce at the national and sub-national levels,
- Improved advocacy for policies/regulations and information sharing related to AT/AD.
In order to achieve the above-mentioned objectives, a wide range of activities are implemented in the three project provinces as well as at the central level. AT/AD service provision is implemented following the full range of provision including need assessment and proper prescription, AD procurement, fitting, user training and follow-up, maintenance and repair in order to ensure that people with mobility disabilities receive appropriate and quality AD they need. The integration of health care for people with disabilities (PWDs), including AT/AD service delivery into the existing health care system, mobilizing the non-specialists at the community level to recognize, assess, manage and follow-up of care for PWDs will be promoted in this project.
Being aware of the big gap in human resource for rehabilitation services, especially for AT/AD related services for PWDs, taking into account the practical solution for filling the gap, the project applies mixed approaches: (i) build capacity for both high skilled health professionals at the national level for providing technical assistance towards complicated cases and support building capacity for lower level service providers when needed; and (ii) task shifting, defined as the delegation of tasks to existing health staff and technicians to deliver AT/AD services. With this, IC works to support developing and improving the capacity of rehabilitation and AT workforces for both national and provincial levels, particularly health and rehabilitation hospitals in three selected provinces of Thua Thien Hue, Quang Nam and Binh Dinh, as well as at Bach Mai Hospital rehabilitation center. . .
Regarding AT/AD services delivery and capacity building, the project works closely with the line ministries and relevant stakeholders to mainstream the service models into the policy framework, such as National Rehabilitation Strategy 2021-2025 as well as advocate for more AT/AD covered by the health insurance. In addition, IC supports to spread information on rehab service models and awareness raising on AT/AD and related issues.
Capacity building for provincial and district service providers in rehabilitation and assistive devices/technologies related issues is one of the main objectives of the project. Since 2017, IC has conducted series training courses for provincial and district doctors and technicians working in rehabilitation field to enhance their competencies in AD/AT provision services, namely the following:
- 47 doctors from three targeted provinces received 12-month training on rehabilitation for medical doctors by Hue University of Medicine and Pharmacy.
- 46 technicians from three targeted provinces received 6-month training on physiotherapy/rehabilitation by Da Nang University of Medical Technology and Pharmacy.
- 155 doctors and technicians received in-service training courses on Comprehensive Assessment and goal setting, Filling assessment form and counselling skills for PWDs.
- 45 of 155 doctors and technicians participated in the training on Functional Independence Measurement (FIM).
The purpose of this assignment is to: design a training course framework for three assistive technology (mobility devices) training courses; to develop learning resources for one of these training courses; and to delivery one of the training courses
The main activities of the assignment will include:
1. Training framework and course design
The first activity will be to design the framework for 3 training courses:
- Basic training on Assistive Technology – mobility devices.
- Advanced training on Assistive Technology – mobility devices.
- Upgrading training on lower limb prosthetics and orthotics.
This will include writing of
- course descriptions
- goals and learning domains
- course curriculum
- learning outcomes including expected competencies on completion of training
- assessment methods
- reference lists
2. Design and develop in-service training materials:
The International Centre will work with relevant national consultants to develop parts of content that fit to their expertise for the basic and advanced assistive technology training:
- Basic training on Assistive Technology – mobility devices.
- Advanced training on Assistive Technology – mobility devices.
International consultancy support is needed to develop the upgrading training on prosthetics and orthotics.
- Upgrading training on lower limb prosthetics and orthotics.
Course content: This activity will be to write and present content to refresh and upgrade the knowledge, skills and competence of Prosthetists/Orthotists and Orthopaedic Technologists according to the best available evidence. Because of the wide scope of prosthetics and orthotics, it will focus on lower limb and participants will work with key patients.
Intended audience: Prosthetics and Orthotics clinicians who are prosthetists/orthotists or orthopaedic technologists.
3. Delivery above mentioned training courses for provincial and district rehab doctors and technicians who are working at local rehab hospitals and rehabilitation centers in Quang Nam, Binh Dinh, Hue and Da Nang Rehab hospital. Depended on the situation of the Covid-19 pandemic, the training courses could be conducted online with instruction and preparation.
- Framework and course design of the training courses as mentioned above.
- In-service training materialsfor upgrading training on lower limb prosthetics and orthotics for Prosthetics and Orthotics clinicians who are prosthetists/orthotists or orthopaedic technologists.
- Upgraded Prosthetics and Orthotics clinicians.
Main activities include:
No |
Activity |
Deliverables |
Timeline |
1 | Course design | A framework and course design for 3 Assistive Technology training courses: - Basic training on Assistive Technology – mobility devices. - Advanced training on Assistive Technology – mobility devices. - Upgrading training on lower limb prosthetics and orthotics. |
May, 2021 |
2 | Design and develop in-service training materials | 4 sets of training materialson lower limb prosthetics and orthotics ready for delivery at a distance. 1. Transtibial prosthetics 2. Transfemoral prosthetics 3. Foot orthotics and ankle foot orthotics 4. Knee ankle foot orthotics |
May- Jun, 2021 |
3 | Deliver training courses | Ø Upgraded Prosthetics and Orthotics clinicians who are prosthetists/orthotists or orthopaedic technologists. |
Jun-Aug 2021 |
- Master or higher degree in Rehabilitation or equivalent, preferably P&O and mobility devices.
- Experience in designing and developing training materials relating to rehabilitation, preferable to AT/AD – mobility devices and P&O
- Experience in provide training for rehabilitation doctors and technicians (both in theory and clinical practice)
- Experience in P&O and rehabilitation clinical practice
- English native speaker or fluent in writing and speaking English
Individual(s) interested in this missions are invited to submit your applications in English, either by email (to icvietnam@theintlcenter.org) or by post (to The International Center, R.103-203, B3 Building, Van Phuc Diplomatic Compound, 298 Kim Ma, Ba Dinh District, Hanoi, Vietnam).
Please state “Application for the ” in the subject line or on the envelope. The short-listed candidates will be contacted.
Applications should include:
- Expression of Interest;
- CVs demonstrating relevant capacity and experience
Deadline for submission: 8th May, 2021.
For further information, please contact:
Ms. Hua Thi Thu Len – Receptionist
Tel: (84-24) 3733 9444, ext: 9
Email: icvietnam@theintlcenter.org
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